

Masaryk University

馬薩里克大學(捷克語:Masarykova univerzita),校名得名於捷克斯洛伐克第一任總統托馬斯·馬薩里克,為該國規模第二大大學,位處於捷克第二大城市布爾諾Brno。該校有學生42,182名,包含9個學院:分別為醫學院、法學院、理學院、藝術學院、教育學院、信息學院等。

Masaryk University, located in Brno, is the second-largest public university in the Czech Republic and the leading higher education institution in Moravia. At present it comprises nine faculties with over 200 departments, institutes and clinics. Recognized as one of the most important teaching and research institutions in the Czech Republic and a highly-regarded Central European university, it has been infused with a strong democratic spirit ever since its establishment in 1919. The university also plays a major role in the social and cultural life of the South Moravian Region.

One of Masaryk University’s top priorities is scientific research. In addition to attaining a leading position in research grant competitions, the university has made considerable financial investments – especially at its newly erected campus – in order to enhance research and teaching capacity, facilitate the development of tools for the transfer of knowledge and improve support for research and innovation.

Masaryk University offers degrees in a wide range of traditional as well as newly-emerging disciplines and is currently one of the fastest-growing higher education institutions in Europe. In recent years it has consistently attracted the largest number of study applicants among Czech universities, thus allowing it to remain highly selective when admitting students. Masaryk University was one of the first to introduce a three-tier degree structure based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and is currently the single higher education institution in the Czech Republic to hold the ECTS Label. Allocated in 2010 by the European Commission, the label constitutes proof of the university's high educational standards and a guarantee of the correct implementation of the credit system in all Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

Auckland University of Technology

奧克蘭理工大學為紐西蘭知名大學,位於紐西蘭最大的城市奧克蘭。創立於1895年,2000年改制為綜合型大學。學生人數逾兩萬五千人,國際學生約兩千餘人,現為紐西蘭八所國立大學之一,QS 2012世界排名451-500。設有人文社會學院、商學院、保健學院、科學和工學院等,課程範圍涵蓋藝術設計、傳播、資訊、教育、設計與創意科技、餐旅、語言與社會科學、法律、科學、運動與休閒等,與本校多項領域相近,深具合作潛力。AUT實行小班教學,最多30人/班;教學實用性強,與實業界聯繫強,6個月內就業率94%。AUT提供的課程多樣,並與學生未來事業直接密切相關。商科中的MBA課程實用性強,就業率高;餐飲管理課程的學生可以在校內自辦的餐館中實習。工程學方面有化學工程、環境工程、資訊技術工程(IT)、水產工程等專業,師資和設施先進。其傳媒專業在紐西蘭聞名,包括新聞、電視等。設計專業也很有名,包括商業設計(設計產品包裝等)、平面設計、時裝設計、空間設計(包括室內設計和建築設計)、電子設計、視覺設計。AUT與紐西蘭工業企業密切聯繫,擁有6個亞太地區規模最大、設備最先進的工作實驗室。畢業生就業率位於紐西蘭高等學府之首。該校開設一系列免費課程,幫助學生克服學習、社會生活、就業等各方面問題,進行指導。
