

Next Steps in Student Exchange with the College of New Jersey

While most university students were enjoying a break from school, National Taiwan Normal University faculty was still hard at work in ensuring that students at NTNU and partner institutions are able to have the best opportunities for studying abroad. On 18 July, 2023, Ms. Christa Olson, Executive Director of Global Engagement, and Dr. Celia Liu, Academic Director of Chinese Studies in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at The College of New Jersey visited NTNU and met with representatives from the NTNU Office of International Affairs. During their meeting, the two universities discussed their existing partnership as well as directions for further development.


As of 2021, the College of New Jersey and National Taiwan Normal University has a university-wide MOU as well as student exchange agreement. The university-wide MOU between TCNJ and NTNU is a useful structure for short-term projects to be negotiated between the two universities’ individual departments. The New Jersey institution proposes the possibility for NTNU professors to become involved in short-term projects in the U.S. NTNU professors can likewise apply for their students to enroll in short programs in the U.S. with funding by the NTNU Office of International Affairs.


As exchange students at NTNU, TCNJ students would have access to Mandarin courses at the Mandarin Training Center alongside other degree courses on campus. In addition, exchange students of NTNU can also take courses through the NTU System, an alliance of three top universities in Taiwan. There are already over 600 courses taught in English between NTNU and its partner institutions, National Taiwan University and Taiwan Tech. The three universities are located in relatively close proximity to each other with accessible transportation options such as school shuttles.


Following this in-person exchange between the TCNJ delegates and NTNU representatives, the two universities plan to continue their discussion online regarding concrete details of housing and course options for exchange students from TCNJ. The visiting delegates from New Jersey will produce the official application form for TCNJ students who want to apply to study abroad at NTNU for Spring 2024. Staff from both universities will coordinate closely to add more details in TCNJ’s application systems about NTNU such as up-to-date listing of courses offered in English.


Ms. Olson and Dr. Liu also caught up with Tim Ke, an NTNU graduate who had previously studied as an exchange student at TCNJ. With hope, more students would take advantage of this opportunity to study at both universities.