Imperial College London business school倫敦帝國理工商學院
研習學校:倫敦帝國理工商學院Imperial College London business school
研習學校:倫敦帝國理工商學院Imperial College London business school
網址 www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/programmes/summer-school

Strategic Marketing 1 July – 26 July 2013
Gain knowledge and academic credit from a global top-ten ranked university while experiencing all that London has to offer.

※ Marketing course with a strong focus on strategy and digital business
※ Full-time study with over 70 hours of face to face teaching
※ Open to undergraduates, postgraduates and working professionals
※ Tuition fee: £2,000
※ Credits: 3-4 US credits or 7 ECTS*
※ Recommended deadline: 6 May 2013 - apply early to secure a place.
To learn more about the Summer School and how to apply, please visit our website: www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/programmes/summer-school
Contact us
Summer School Office
Imperial College Business School
Tanaka Building
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ
T: +44 (0)20 7924 9205
E: summerschool@imperial.ac.uk