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TEEP Program 111-112


In 2015, the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Taiwan launched a new program titled “Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP)” to welcome students to join different universities and colleges in Taiwan for short term professional internship. Qualified international students are welcome to apply for TEEP Fellowship. You can experience not only in-depth education in Taiwan but also connect with the Asian job market through TEEP-gateway. NTNU keeps up the good work of internationalization. So far there are TEEP projects from different fields approved by the MOE. The whole TEEP projects will be executed from Jan. 2023 to Jun. 2024. It is expected that more outstanding international students and scholars would come to study at NTNU. The international students who come to NTNU as TEEP students can not only work on their expertise but also apply for master’s or doctoral programs at NTNU in the future. The application period for the TEEP projects opens from Jan. 2023 to May 31, 2024. (Please contact the project directors directly to get further information about the application schedule.) The TEEP students will receive scholarships or other subsidies and the duration of stay should be less than 6 months. Please refer to the attachment for more information about the TEEP projects at NTNU.

*Notice: The TEEP students are not allowed to do other jobs or be paid for work which is not related to the plan during the TEEP project.

Notice (Update: July 19,  2023)

Relevant entry quarantine measures are in accordance with the latest regulations and instructions by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and WelfareSince students in the Taiwan Experience Education Program must pay for their own medical treatment in Taiwan if they are confirmed positive, it is recommended that TEEP students arrange for overseas medical insurance in their home countries before coming to Taiwan and that the insurance period is from the date of entry to the date of departure from Taiwan.

*Please refer to the MOE’s website for more information:

Contact Information & CV of Project Director
College Department Project Director Project Title Website Contact Person
College of Technology and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Prof. Jacky Baltes Intelligent Robotics Click Here JR YING, CHANG
College of Technology and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Prof. Saeed Saeedvand Reinforcement Learning based sim-to-real challenge based on Self-Balancing Robot Learning Click Here Saeed Saeedvand
School of Life Science Department of Earth Sciences Prof. Kate Huihsuan Chen Seismology, slow earthquake, mountain belt Click Here Prof. Kate Huihsuan Chen
School of Life Science Department of Life Science Prof. Ching Chan Plant Biotechnology Click Here Prof. Ching Chan