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Foreign Students Community

NTNU Hong Kong & Macau Students Association

HKMAC is a student’s association whose members from Hong Kong and Macao. Our aim is to let members enjoy their lives in their new second home- HKMAC. Through annual activities, we hope that we can make them have many chances to communicate and interact. Also, we will promote the positive value of the culture from Hong Kong and Macau. Hence, every year, members in HKMAC can join a lot of activities, such as Welcome Party, HKMAC uniform day and karaoke competition. So, we are really hopeful that you can become one of our members. Welcome to HKMAC!

NTNU Overseas Chinese Student Association

NTNU Overseas Chinese Students association are student mainly from Malaysia and Myanmar. The aim of this association is carry out various activities, such as new students orientation, farewell party, gathering etc. Through all these activities we build-up better relationship and keep this traditional carry on, and to promote our unique culture background. We open our arm to welcome you. Let’s come and join us.

NTNU International Students Club

NTNU International Students Club consists of the students who study at NTNU and who love Taiwan, from different countries. We not only assist the Office of International Affairs but also hold activities with international volunteers or other NTNU clubs. We would like to introduce our special food and various cultures to Taiwanese. Please don’t be shy to join us. We all are looking forward to seeing you in our activities.