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*Table of Scholarships for International Students at NTNU  Download

*OIA International Students’Scholarship Renewal Process  Download

1. NTNU International Student Scholarship-Applicable for admissions from Fall 2019 onward

Prospective students seeking admission to NTNU degree programs as first-year students, and are not awarded any scholarship by the Taiwan Government institution (organization).

Scholarship Description:
a) For Undergraduate program Tuition and miscellaneous fee waivers for each semester for one academic year.
b) For Master’s program For the first academic year: Waivers of the baseline tuition and the basic credit fees for each semester. For the second academic year: Waivers of the baseline tuition and the basic credit fees for each semester are granted upon recommendation by the applicant’s program of study.
c) For Doctoral program For the first academic year: Waivers of the baseline tuition and the basic credit fees for each semester. For the second academic year: Waivers of the baseline tuition and the basic credit fees for each semester are granted upon recommendation by the applicant’s program of study. For the third academic year: Waivers of the baseline tuition for each semester are granted upon recommendation by the applicant’s program of study.

Application procedure:
New students must apply for the scholarship while applying for NTNU admission through the International Students Application channel for this scholarship. The application deadline for this scholarship is the same as the deadline for admission application.

How applications are evaluated: Each department determines which of their students will receive a scholarship or tuition waiver. It is the department's responsibility to submit a list of award recipients and their application forms as well as any other relevant documents to the Office of International Affairs.

1.Scholarships would be revoked from awardees who fail to complete registration in the year of admission and those who defer admission, suspend their study, get expelled, or transfer out of NTNU.
2.The awarded scholarship may not be retained, and the waived tuition and miscellaneous fees for the semester must be returned in proportion to the actual length of study (credit fees calculated in proportion to the actual length of study must also be returned by Master’s/Doctoral program students) before the clearance procedure can be completed.

Guidelines for the NTNU International Student Scholarship Download


2. Taiwan Scholarship

2.1 MOE (Ministry of Education) Taiwan Scholarship

Amounts awarded:
-Undergraduate program: a monthly stipend of NT$15,000 plus partial tuition each semester is waived; maximum of 4 years.
-Master's program: a monthly stipend of NT$20,000 plus partial tuition each semester is waived; maximum of 2 years.
-Ph.D. program: a monthly stipend of NT$20,000 plus partial tuition each semester is waived; maximum of 4 years.

Scholarship recipients must register each semester before receiving any scholarship payments. If you take an extended leave of absence during the semester, you will have to pay back your tuition.

Application period:
In principle, the application period is from February 1 to March 31 each year. The actual application period for each local Taiwan Representative Office will be detailed in its publicly available information.

How to apply:
Please contact the nearest ROC embassy, consulate, or representative office in your home country.

2.2 MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Taiwan Scholarship-degree programs

Amounts awarded:
-Undergraduate program: a monthly stipend of NT$33,000; maximum of 4 years.
-Master's program: a monthly stipend of NT$33,000; maximum of 2 years.
-Ph.D. program: a monthly stipend of NT$33,000 ; maximum of 4 years.

Scholarship recipients must first register each semester before receiving any scholarship payments. If you take an extended leave of absence during the semester, you will have to pay back your scholarships.

Application period:
In principle, the application period is from February 1 to March 31 each year. The actual application period for each local Taiwan Representative Office will be detailed in its publicly available information.

How to apply:
Please contact the nearest ROC embassy, consulate, or representative office in your home country.

Please check“Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program” official website for the latest guidelines and relevant documents.


3. Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund Higher Education Scholarship Program (Taiwan ICDF Scholarship)

(Only for applicants of the Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development)

Applicants applying for a Taiwan ICDF scholarship must meet both the general eligibility criteria and be a national of a country on the List of Countries Eligible for Taiwan ICDF Scholarship (check on Taiwan ICDF website). Applicants must also meet the Regulations Governing Visiting, Resident, and Permanent Residency of Aliens set by ROC(Taiwan) National Immigration Agency.


•   Airfare (economy class)

•   Housing (on-campus dormitory at NTNU)

•   Tuition & credit fees

•   Insurance (accidental and medical coverage)

•   Textbook costs

•   Monthly Allowance

For more details, please refer to the TaiwanICDF Scholarship Program page.

How to apply

Taiwan ICDF website


  1. When applying for Taiwan ICDF, the applicant must also complete the admission application for IHRD, NTNU. 
  2. Application materials together with the Taiwan ICDF application form must be submitted online to the NTNU International Student Application System by the deadline.

Contact: Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development


4. NSTC Graduate  Research Fellowship(NSTC-GRF)

First-year Ph.D. students enrolled in the first semester of their current year (including registrations in February and September).

Grant Period and Amount:
A monthly stipend of NT$40,000 for a period of up to 3 years, for those who graduate less than three years shall last until the month of graduation.

How to apply:
(1) NSTC Selection: Applicants must submit their own application materials and select key research areas through the website.
(2) NSTC Allocation: The fellowships will be allocated based on the proportion of research project funding granted by NSTC to the applicant institution in the previous four years. Apply through your department office after enrollment (around May)

For more details, please refer to NSTC announcement page in Chinese (

Contact: Office of Academic Affairs