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Conservatorio Di Musica Niccolo Piccinni-Bari
Paper song Paganini Conservatory of Bari in southern Italy (Bari), also known as Barry College of Music , is one of the three Italian Academy of Music . Chancellor Dr. Marco Renzi, is an outstanding musician and teacher at the school for over two decades or more, quite talented, definitely get a lot of music awards , and highly respected musicians , and even branched out into soundtrack surgeon , whether in Italy or in the world, were acclaimed. Renzi in 1998 was appointed headmaster skin song Paganini Conservatory of Music ; in 2001 joined the Italian Minister of Culture , Ministry of Education team , for the efforts made ​​to improve college education programs .
Piano Professor Francesco Monopoli, with quite outstanding achievements graduated skin song Paganini Conservatory of Music , has a number of well-known piano teacher was to musicians , who tour in Italy, France , Germany, Taiwan , Spain, Albania , Romania and the United Kingdom , held over three hundred games above recitals , and cooperation with major orchestras . Professor Monopoli won many piano competitions awards, both composer and conductor diploma experience , and held talks on the country music , and even often invited to serve as the major game review, because of his exceptional artistic achievements as well as administrative capacity , promoting and planning throughout Italy contribution to musical events and popular 
Dongduk Women's University

With high academic standards for Dongduk students, Dongduk implements carefully catered practical curricula to meet specific needs of our students from various majors so as to help them meet the future demands, Dongduk Women's University, indeed, aims for maintaining its academic tradition that is centered on practical application. In addition, DWU consistently endeavors to develop customized curricula to meet each individual student's academic and professional need through personalized one‐on‐one instruction.Dongduk Women's University has organized a system of education, administration and other services in such a way that best satisfy the needs of students. By the same token, DWU has also expanded its student welfare including scholarships education facilities, and career training skill‐building programs required for future employment while providing up‐to‐date information and materials for employment search.A school campus is an important space where lectures, studies, practices and student activities occur. Dongduk Women's University established Special Campuses that are key locations for relevant majors, providing functional convenience. In addition, the university is creating a beautiful campus that may potentially become a local landmark.
