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Chukyo University

Chukyo University will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2014, and the Umemura Group of Educational Institutions, the university’s parent organization, is marking its 90th anniversary this year in 2013. I was recently installed as the fourth chairman of the Umemura Group, and I keenly feel the weight of the responsibility of my new post. Constant innovation has fueled the advancement of Chukyo University in the past, and it will continue to drive us forward into the future. I am committed to doing everything in my power to implement “Next 10,” our new long-term plan drafted with an eye to pioneering a new era in education at the university.

Chukyo University today is a comprehensive university with eleven undergraduate schools and eleven graduate schools, including professional schools in business and law. This spring saw the launch of our School of Engineering with the restructuring of the School of Information Science and Technology. The School of Engineering has four departments, including the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In spring 2014, the Department of Japanese History and Culture will start up at the School of Letters, and the School of World Englishes will adopt a new framework under which it will offer three majors. In these many ways, Chukyo University continues to take strides forward.
Dong-A University

 Dong-A University is a private university in Busan, South Korea. The university is the only private university and one of two universities has both medical and law school in Greater Busan, the second-largest city in South Korea.
