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List of Partner Institutions

University of Technology, Sydney

UTS is a dynamic and innovative university in central Sydney. One of Australia’s leading universities of technology, UTS has a distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a leading reputation for engagement with industry and the professions.

UTS has a culturally diverse campus life and vibrant international exchange study and research programs that prepare graduates for the workplaces of today and the future.
Our City campus is in the heart of Sydney's creative precinct and alongside Sydney's central business district, and our Kuring-gai campus is in a bushland setting in northern Sydney. Over the next six years, our City Campus Master Plan will deliver a state-of-the-art campus to meet the needs of 21st century students.
Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University is a mainstay comprehensive university that places importance on its graduate schools. The university started out in 1876 as the Sapporo Agricultural College, the first modern academic institute in Japan. We have passed through a long period of history, including our time as an Imperial College, as well as during the creation of the new university system. Over this period, we have declared and cultivated our basic philosophies of education and research, namely “Frontier Spirit”, “Global Perspectives”, “All-round Education” and “Practical Learning.” In order to meet the demands of society and to move ahead as a National University Corporation, Hokkaido University needs to formulate a long term goal for developing the basis of knowledge creation, knowledge dissemination and knowledge application in the new century, with our newly acquired freedom, while reconfirming our basic philosophies and recognizing our accountability to society.
