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International Cooperation

Central China Normal University Visits NTNU

On June 14th, Central China Normal University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and three other institutions from Hubei visited NTNU. Prof. Hsiang-Lin Liu, Vice President of Office of International Affairs and Prof. Wen-Zhong Gao, Executive Director of School of Continuing Education welcomed the guests in person.

Among these institutions, Central China Normal University, Wuhan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology have become partner schools with NTNU since 2011, 2011, and 2016 respectively, with numerous academic cooperation followed.

This time, the purpose of their visit is to promote a summer forum in East Lake for Taiwanese students and Chinese students in July, hoping to facilitate the interaction between the two sides. In addition, they also want to know how their students lead their life when studying in NTNU, therefore, two exchange students,  Ms. Li Gao, who studies in Department of Special Education; and Mr. Hua-Long Zhang, who studies in Department of Physical Education, were both invited to the meeting. During the courtesy call, the two sides discussed about the student life in NTNU, everyone engaged in profound discussion, the guests had a great time in NTNU.