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International Cooperation

Beijing Normal University Visits NTNU

On June 5th, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of Academic Affairs, led 3 other guests from Beijing Normal University and visited NTNU. Prof. Kuang-Chao Yu, Vice President for International Affairs, Office of International Affairs; Ms. Roxanne Weng, Director of the Office of International Affairs; Ms. Jia-Yu Liu, the Global Partnership Manager; Ms. Serena Chen and Mr. Daniel Lin, the Student mobility Manager from the Office of International Affairs, welcomed the guests in person.

Beijing Normal University has become partner school with NTNU since 2009, and both sides have had numerous academic cooperation since then. During the courtesy call, both representatives focus on not only how to increase the percentage of student exchange in the future, but also discussed about the assessment and personnel system during the meeting. Both universities provided their personal thoughts on these two important systems, and everyone had a wonderful conversation. 

Before the courtesy call ended, Prof. Kuang-Chao Yu emphasized that since both universities are "normal schools", he looks forward to have more academic exchange with Beijing Normal University in the future.