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2022 Commemorative Graduation Video

Graduation Video
【2022 Commemorative Graduation Video】June 22 Updated

Finally the blessing video has come out, please click the link as following:

2022 Commemorative Graduation Video

Happy graduation! May the road before you run smoothly beneath your feet.


We regret that we were unable to hold a heartwarming graduation party with you,
but 【2022 Commemorative Graduation Video】is currently in post-production.
The video is about..
-Special dedication format in the time of COVID
-A look back at student life
-A memory-filled tour of campus grounds
-Handwritten blessings and well wishes

We will email the commemorative video link to you when it is complete.

Also, due to the cancellation of our Farewell Party,
Registrants should stop by OIA May 25-31 during office hours for:
▶️Refund of your paid deposit 
▶️Exclusive souvenir

Office open hour:
08:30-12:00 ; 13:30-17:30

承辦人:Chelsea Yang
